It Sleeps Below the Haar

2022 - PC

1958. North East Scotland. A research student travels to the small coastal village of Kellas Bay to study it's unique and strange ecology. They embarks on a surreal journey from the lush forests and ancient cave systems surrounding the village, to the freezing depths of the North Sea in order to comprehend the primordial natural forces responsible for area's the curious phenomena.


It Sleeps Below the Haar is a short horror exploration game, set in a secluded coastal village in North East Scotland. Explore Kellas Bay and it's surrounding forest, caves and ocean to uncover what lies beneath the fog-covered village.

Key Features

  • Non-Linear Exploration - Explore the world of Kellas Bay at your own pace

  • Science - Collect scientific data, samples and photographs to better understand the ecology and history of the area

  • Interact with the Fantastic - Use unique and bizzare objects to interact with the hidden side of Kellas Bay

  • Atmosphere - Immerse yourself in a passionately designed world with handcrafted atmospheric sound design and music


It Sleeps Below the Haar is intended to be a short, self-contained experience with an average playtime of 2 hours.
